Dream Jobs
When I don't write, it's often because I'm feeling scattered and unable to concentrate. I've been in that position for a couple of weeks now. So we're just going to push through because today's sermon is important!
I was talking to Ann the other day, and it turns out that I've got a couple jobs that I would prefer to the one I've got now:
The guy with the sledgehammer: There's a house near where Ann lives that got boarded up and condemned. Turns out that it was bubonic plauge or something, I don't know. Recently somebody with a hammer removed the boards. And the stucco. And whatever else was busy hanging off the studs. That sounds like a totally awesome job (assuming a house that is not stuffed full of plague).
Breaking a house! With a hammer! It's like picking a scab but so much bigger! Also, I'm pretty sure that leveling a house with only crude tools and your fury makes you feel much mightier than picking a scab. Job satisfaction!
Orchid farmer, somewhere in Hawaii: Other than rock star, can you think of anything better? Oh wait, I can:
First Mate on a Robot Boat (the boat also flies): Gonna take a world tour with the rich and the famous and the pretty, and my job is to MINGLE. And push the button that starts the LASER LIGHT SHOW. I could give my two weeks' notice right now if that job was open.
This is a decent start, but I must have missed some good jobs. If you remember any that I forgot, you can remind me in the comments.
Today's bonus: Indexed shows how you can explain human truth through Venn Diagrams. OMG I JUST FELL ASLEEP you said, but you're wrong. It's funny. Go visit!
There is always Philanthropist which tops my list. Getting paid to give people money who deserve it? I'll take 2.
I've always wanted to be an heir.
How about "nipple tweaker"?
You get to play with models' boobs all day long.
You forgot monkey wrangler!
You also forgot to hyphenate ro-bot.
For shame.
You probably mostly feel empty inside, but it sounds good.
You could always apply for a job as a Player Hater.
That way, when someone says to you, "don't be hatin'," you could be like, "It's my job to hate, yo'. It's what I do. Don't hate the hatahz."
I also want to remind you that I like kitties.
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