Communications - No Phone
If you've tried to contact me recently chances are very good that it didn't work.
My cell phone is gone, lost, plundered, or a runaway. Not sure exactly what happened, but I had to suspend the service. I'll update when I've got a new one and I've called in to restore my ability to get calls and voicemail.
In the meantime, I also spent the weekend in the charming embrace of a technological backwater (Glen's house) that has no internet access (but he does have a cat). So I'm catching up on email.
Feel free to send some email or drop a comment on this blog entry if you think there's a message or whatnot that I haven't gotten to.
Happy summer, everyone!
How's it go? Ha, yo faded!
oh hell yes now the date rape song is my head
p.s. COCKS
p.p.s. sorry to hear about your phone.
This is the kitty of which he speaks. Yay, kitty!
This is the kitty of which he speaks. Yay, kitty!
oh wait, there's the kitty.
The cat pissed your name in his litter box, and then took a shit on it. It means he likes you.
I, on the other hand, cracked open your skull with a pewter sitar. It means I don't like you.
The leading causes of death in the United States are: 1. Heart Disease 2. Chuck Norris 3. Cancer
I like kitties.
One fun fact about kitties is that they squish when you cuddle them and also cuddle when you squish them.
I like kitties.
If at first you don't succeed, you're not Chuck Norris.
I would also like to just add, "Good luck, and we're all counting on you."
I think you should visit 100 kitties next time.
kitties are cuddleable, they also have kitty faces and kitty feet. some kitties are itty bitty and others are big.
i like kitties...
Yep, gettin' drunk at the olde flower shop.
p.s. Purple is a fruit.
What has 11 arms and sucks?
Def Leppard with special guest star YOUR MOM.
A more fitting title for this post would be "Communications -- No Point." Because there's no point in trying to communicate with Matt, because Matt is not a very good person.
Given the choice between communicating with him and kicking him in the shins, I'd say kick him in the shins.
I wanna be the very best
like no one ever was
To catch them is my real test
To train them is my cause
I will travel across the land
searching far and wide
Each pokémon to understand
the power that's inside
Pokémon! its you and me
I know its my destiny,
Pokémon! Oh you're my best friend
in a world we must defend
Pokémon! a heart so true
Our courage will pull us through,
You teach me and I'll teach you,
Pokémon! gotta catch 'em all
Gotta catch 'em all! Pokémon!
cocks COCKS
cocks COCKS
cocks cocks cocks cocks cocks cocks
Hey Matt, check these awesome videos out.
Video #1
Video #2
Video #3
(You know how you can make it stop)
Hm, I guess you want more. 'k.
Video #4
Video #5
You know, I don't expect to either run out of these or tire of posting them anytime soon...
Video #6
Video #7
You know, unless you actually start saying things pretty soon weird japanese videos will make up over half the content of your blog.
Video #8
Video #9
Video #10
You make me sick, Matthew. You repulse me.
Video #11
Video #12
I can only think of one explanation for why you haven't posted yet: You secretly love this stuff. Sure, you talk all "Gah! No! I can't handle the Japan!" but deep down you're like "ooooh this is the best stuff ever!"
Video #13
Video #14
Video #15
Ahh... I am very disappointed in you Matthew.
Video #16
Video #17
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